Jialin Wu (Justin Wu)

A senior in School of the Gifted Young (SGY) at University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), majoring in AI. 


  • University of Science and Technology of China 2020.09 - 2024.06 (Expected)
    • B.E. in Artificial Intelligence


  • Jialin Wu, Qizhi Yao*. Nitrogen Association[J]. University Chemistry, 2021, 36(10): 2104037 

    This work was done during my first winter vacation in university, when I had not yet chosen my major.

Research Experience

Selected Honors and Awards

  • Excellent Student Scholarship – Gold (Top 3%) Nov.2023
  • SGY Class of 87 Innovation Scholarship (6/1370+) Feb.2023
  • Rose Fund Ambition Scholarship (Top 3%) Oct.2022
  • Rose Fund Public Affairs Scholarship Jun.2021


  • Class 4 of the Year 2020 of School of the Gifted Young | Monitor Sep.2020 -Present
    • Our class was awarded the title of the Six-merits College Student Class (Top six classes in USTC)
  • USTC Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Association | Vice President Jun.2022 - Jun.2023
  • General Affairs Department of the Fangcao Youth Volunteer Association | Leader Jun.2022 - Jun.2023

Extracurricular Activities

  • Arts : Chinese Calligraphy, Chinese Painting, Sketch
  • Sports : Tennis, Table Tennis, Basketball _